Sunday, April 17, 2011


Mel Brooks, 1987 (1*)
All you really need to see are the photos of Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet, and John Candy as Barf, and you can tell this is one lame parody of Star Wars. Add to the cast Mel Brooks as Yogurt, and stalwart actors such as Dick Van Patten and Joan Rivers, and throw in some of the cheesiest special effects ever and you have perhaps the worst comedy ever attempted. Not even six year olds will find this amusing. Avoid like the plague. and no: it's not "so bad that it's good" - it's so bad that you'll wish you had the 15 minutes or so back that you waste on this before rushing off to have a root canal without novocaine to remove the memory.

There are good Mel Brooks films, though not many, as he's almost the most overrated comedy director of all time, if you go with 'batting average'. Stick with The Producers and Young Frankenstein

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